Charlie day 1
I woke up today, a day that felt like any other. But, it wasn't, was it? The days while new on the calendar, will never be quite the same again, will they? I woke up, expecting you to be there to greet us and begin a new day. That wasn't to be. Last night we said good bye to you for the last time. No more "We'll be home soon, Charlie. Be a good boy til we get back" No more of you barking as if to say "help help" One of your favorite things to do, along with tug of war with your stuffies, or playing "Lights" on the ceiling with our cell phones. You were so good at that game and kept us safe. We always told you what a good job you did and let you know how proud we were. It may seem silly to a human, but we know you loved barking at the lights. Happy Puppy I only knew you a very short time. I'm sure it seemed longer in dog years. I can't imagine what your doggy mom is feeling today. It all seems so surreal. Why am I talking to you this w...